Inkubator Innowacyjności 4.0

The project ‘Innovation Incubator 4.0’ is carried out by a consortium consisting of the AGH University of Krakow, Centrum Transferu Technologii AGH, and Krakowskie Centrum Innowacyjnych Technologii INNOAGH Ltd. This initiative is part of the program established by the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name ‘Innovation Incubator 4.0.’ It operates as a non-competitive project titled ‘Support for the Management of Scientific Research and Commercialization of R&D Results in Scientific Institutions and Enterprises,’ conducted within the framework of the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020, Action 4.4 – Increase in the Research and Development Personnel Potential.

The goal of the Innovation Incubator 4.0 program is to support the management process of scientific research and development results, especially in the area of commercialization. The implementation of the program should contribute to promoting scientific achievements, increasing their impact on innovation development, and strengthening collaboration between the scientific community and the business environment.

The support includes:

  1. Conducting pre-implementation work, including additional laboratory tests or adjustments of the invention to the needs of the potential buyer, with costs not exceeding 100,000 PLN.
  2. Preparation of commercialization projects for the results of scientific research and development work, including analyses of the market potential of inventions, readiness for implementation, and valuation of industrial property rights.
  3. Initiating and strengthening collaboration between the scientific community and the business environment, including identifying entities interested in implementing the results of scientific research and development work through the promotion of technological offerings and participation in ‘science to business’ exhibitions and fairs.
  4. Technology portfolio management.
  5. Activities of Innovation Brokers acting as intermediaries in specific knowledge areas, responsible for establishing collaboration between the scientific community and the business environment, resulting in the application of the results of scientific research and development work in specific market solutions.

The project’s value is 3,126,447.43 PLN.

The grant amount from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is 2,700,000.00 PLN.

The deadline for completing the activities under the project is December 31, 2023.

Time range 2020-2023